Friday, April 8, 2022

When will we learn... COVID doesn't care what we want


It's not fun being the purveyor of uncomfortable truths. 
Our state decided to unmask and remove controls ... about 2 weeks ago.... just as BA.2 is popping up. after 4 weeks of FLAT line yet at still elevated numbers - no decreases from Omicron, we're now UPTICKING - almost 3000 new cases this past weekend alone. Over a thousand case per day in the 5 days since. 

We just won't learn. 
I was asked at one point - when do i consider it appropriate to remove the restrictions. We haven't hit the lowest number of last July (64 cases per day) and we need to be BELOW that daily number for 4 weeks AT LEAST before we stop fooling ourselves with this nonsense. 
It's very very clear. cases go up every time 2 weeks after we unmask, deaths follow three weeks after the upticks.... its VERY predictable. 
Wear a mask and you will save lives. It's that simple.
I'm ANGRY, I'm SAD, I'm tired.
I want to see my grandson, I want to see my wonderful children, I want to have my long overdue wedding with my loved ones present. 
That can't happen because people don't have the fortitude {or shall we say they feel too entitled) to accept that masking and shutting down community by community for a 4 weeks stretch is truly the only way to stop this virus that doesn't care at all what your political, religious, or other ideologies are. It's a virus, it propogates when we let it. The economy will recover, but lost lives never will.
Vaccines help - but they won't stop this train wreck that is happening. Masks DO!
This country is rapidly approaching 1Million deaths due to this virus - most of which could have been prevented by universal masking.

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